'Designs, Implements, Values, Sells Your Investment'
A) Valuation Report _cc781905-5cde-3194_bb358d_
Our Company Prepares Appraisal Reports of Real Estate, Real Estate Rights and Projects of Legal and Private Persons and Official Institutions and Organizations in accordance with International Valuation Standards.
Şirketler, Duran Varlıklarındaki Değer Artışlarını, Değerleme Raporuyla Bilançolarına Yansıtarak They increase their credibility.
Valuation Stages:
1. In Land Registry Takyidat ( Mortgage - Annotation - Restriction on Declaration_cc781905-5cde-33194-bb3b-1361935cf58d_Takyidat_cc781905cde-3194-bb3b-1361935cf58d_cf58c-13651954cfc-136195cf3dc-781945cf3cd 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Investigation of Floor Easement Project,
In the 2nd Municipality, Address, Zoning Status of the Land, Building Permit or Settlement, Construction Holiday Record or Yapı Demolition Decision _cc781994_bbcde58f,31
3. Analysis of the Property's Suitability to the Architectural Project, Location, Condition, Surroundings and Current Market,
4. Preparation of the Report Showing the Current Market Value of the Real Estate by Evaluating the Obtained Data.
B) Technical and Legal Analysis of the Real Estate and its Building
The Property to be Purchased Himself or the Building It Is Located in Yeni (_cc78199405-bb3cde-According to the Structure of the Year Audited-According to the Law of the Year) ) or According to Being Outdated, Analyzes Are Made as follows:
1. If the Property is in the New Building Just Being Constructed The Architectural, Electrical and Mechanical Installation Projects are Examined and their Suitability to the Customer's Needs is Questioned, and Remedial Suggestions are made. Construction Once or Regularly Monitored, Compliance of Common Areas and Property with Project Committed or Quality of Materials Used and Workmanship_cc781905_bbcde58d_cc781905_bbcde58d-3194 Compliance with the Plan is Monitored and Reported,
2. If the Construction of the Property in the New Building is Completed, by Checking the Compliance of the Common Areas and the Property with the Architectural Project, with Risks That May Prevent Acquisition of Settlement Construction Techniques and Non-Quality Construction Techniques It is determined, the compliance of the landscaping and the number of parking lots with the architectural project is checked,
3. It is questioned whether there is a court process due to the Contractor's non-compliance with the Agreement between the Land Owner and the Land Owner,
4. If the Property is in the Old Building, it is checked whether the number of floors in the project and on-site are the same, whether additions are made to the building, and whether the Architectural and Static Projects are Complied. Physical Condition of the Entire Building Including Basement, Common Areas, Roof, Heat and Water İzolasyonları Visually Inspected. Isolations Visually Inspected. 1365 Soil Investigation and Static Performance Analysis.
5. The Property in the Old Building It is Inquired whether the Building Is on the Illegal Floor and Obtained a Building Registration Certificate in the Peace of Zoning,_cc781905-5cde-3194_bb3b
6. The Use of Common Areas such as Garden, Roof, Roof, Warehouse, Staircase, etc. in the Building, by Controlling the Project, Building Management Plan and Condominium Law Status Investigated,
7. The Seller is the Real Owner, Sold the Full Share of the Property, The Deed of the Property and the Floor Easement Project Match, the Deed of the Property and the Existing Use of the Property are Overlapped with the Existing Use of the Propertybbc3b-1905 136bad5cf58d_Questioned,
It is questioned whether the 8th Floor Easement or Land Shares in its Ownership Have Been Determined Correctly.
C) Feasibility - Most Efficient Use of Property - Profitability Analysis Report
Valuation of the Property to be Purchased / Rented / Revenue Sharing Report Administrative - Technical and Market Value Research is carried out,
The Investment Costs of Each of the Renovation Project Models Where the Worn / Outdated Property Can Be Used Most Efficiently in the Current Zoning Status and Market Conditions Calculated,
A Financially Possible, Economically Maximum Efficient Use and Profitability Analysis Report is Prepared, Based on Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Efficiency Ratio (IRR) Criteria in the Cash Flow Statements of Project Models.